Tuesday, September 14, 2010

press release 1-draft

For Immediate Release:
Date:                     September 14, 2010
Contact:               President Preston Parker
                Social Media club of Cache Valley (SMCCV)
Address:              851 N. Main St., Logan UT 84321
Phone:                                 661-772-7537


Logan, UT-Cache Valley welcomes the Social Media Club of Cache Valley.  The SMCCV is a nonprofit organization that helps people learn more about social media.  All types of media such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc. are discussed and are taught how to use them.
Other things on the agenda are cell phone etiquette, presentation with Q & A, people getting together and talking about social media.  They have meetings the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30.  Every third Tuesday of the month they have their meetings at Café Sabor where lovers of social media and those just wanting to know more can come eat and discuss social media.
The president of the SMCCV Preston Parker said “The Social Media Club is a great organization that helps people to know more about social media, which should be a big part of our everyday lives.  I encourage anyone who wants to learn more to join.”
This is a great organization for anyone interested in helping themselves know more about social media and what it can do for them.  If you want to know more about the organization and how to join you can find them at SMCCV.net or on Facebook.


  1. Great Job on the first go around with our press releases! My screen is having issues and I'm really not sure in the 3rd paragraph if there is a comma after said before the quote? your 2nd paragraph looks really good too.
    Good Work.

  2. You did a great job on getting all the information in our first press release in a such a short time! Great quote as well and looking at your press release has helped me to form mine better as well. Keep it up!

  3. I think your lead is really strong.
