Thursday, September 30, 2010

Press Release #2-final Image Building

For Immediate Release:
Date:                    Sept. 23, 2010
Contact:               Mr. Muellenbach III, CEO Burger Planet
Address:              87 W 1320 N
                            Gary, Indiana 98730
Phone:                 888-453-7863        


Logan, Utah-Burger Planet has been a very successful fast food chain for decades and we have proven to our many loyal customers why we are still in business and are now launching a new line of healthy food.

The president of Burger Planet Mr. Muellenbach III, when asked why they are adding a healthier line of food to their menu said, "Well, Burger Planet cares about its customers. For more than seven decades, the company has succeeded because it put customers first. We listen to our customers. And our customers desire healthy choices, of which we offer many.”

Some new menu items include packets of five different types of fruit:  Apples, grapes, peaches, pineapple, or bananas.  They also added a new line of gourmet salads to the menu.
Woman have expressed that they would like a change in the menu to have healthier options, which they listened to and have made the necessary changes.  Burger Planet, in their efforts to make a change; have hired Jayne Petersen, who is a fitness guru. She is president and CEO of Looking Glass, Inc., a multi-million dollar fitness and health enterprise located in Burbank, Calif.
In response to being hired on by Burger Planet she said, "Burger Planet has been a leader in the Quick Service Restaurant industry in offering healthy menu choices. The company believes in encouraging customers to live healthier, active lifestyles and I have spent my life trying to teach women that lesson."

 Burger Planet is a great restaurant and here is why:  Burger Planet has served 52 billion customers and counting.  At last count, they had 8,921 franchises in every state and 17 countries. They are headquartered in Gary, Indiana and employ 48,272 people.  They have been around for a long time and were founded in 1934.  They are the leader of the Quick Service Restaurant Industry; the company founder James E. Muellenbach I, although retired, is current president of the QSR Association.

This is a great addition to an already great menu and hope that everyone enjoys the added healthy options.  For more information please visit our website at

Michelle Larkin-PR consultant                   END

Friday, September 24, 2010

Draft Press Release 2: Image Building

For Immediate Release:
Date:                    September 23, 2010
Contact:               Mr. Muellenbach III, CEO Burger Planet
Address:              87 W 1320 N
                           Gary, Indiana 98730
Phone:                 888-453-7863

Logan, UT-Burger Planet has been a very successful fast food chain for decades and has proven to their many loyal customers why we are still in business- it’s because we know what we are doing and are now launching our new healthier line of food.
The president of Burger Planet Mr. Muellenbach III, when asked why they are adding a healthier line of food to their menu said, "Well, Burger Planet cares about its customers. For more than seven decades, the company has succeeded because it put customers first. We listen to our customers. And our customers desire healthy choices, of which we offer many.”
Some new menu items include packets of five different types of fruit:  Apples, grapes, peaches, pineapple, or bananas.  They also added a new line of gourmet salads to the menu.
Woman have expressed that they would like a change in the menu to have healthier options, which they listened to and have made the necessary changes.  Burger Planet, in their efforts to make a change; have hired Jayne Petersen, who is a fitness guru to the stars. She is president and CEO of Looking Glass, Inc., a multi-million dollar fitness and health enterprise located in Burbank, Ca.
In response to being hired on by Burger Planet she said, "Burger Planet has been a leader in the Quick Service Restaurant industry in offering healthy menu choices. The company believes in encouraging customers to live healthier, active lifestyles and I have spent my life trying to teach women that lesson."
·  Has served 52 billion customers and counting.
·  At last count, had 8,921 franchises in every state and 17 countries.
·  Headquartered in Gary, Indiana.
·  Employs 48,272 people.
·  Founded in 1934.
·  Leader of the Quick Service Restaurant Industry; Company founder James E. Muellenbach I, although retired, is current president of the QSR Association.

Michelle Larkin-PR consultant                   END

Friday, September 17, 2010

Press Release Assignment-final

For Immediate Release:
Date:                      September 14, 2010
Contact:                 President Preston Parker
                Social Media club of Cache Valley (SMCCV)
Address:                851 N. Main St., Logan UT 84321
Phone:                   661-772-7537

                                         SOCIAL MEDIA CLUB COMES TO CACHE VALLEY

Logan, UT-Cache Valley welcomes the Social Media Club of Cache Valley.  The SMCCV is a nonprofit organization that helps people learn more about social media.  All types of media such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc. are discussed and are taught how to use them.
Other things on the agenda are learning about cell phone etiquette, presentations with Q & A, and people getting together and talking about social media.  They have meetings the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30p.m.  Every third Tuesday of the month they have their meetings at Café Sabor, where lovers of social media and those just wanting to know more can come eat and discuss social media.
The president of the SMCCV Preston Parker said “The Social Media Club is a great organization that helps people to know more about social media, which should be a big part of our everyday lives.  I encourage anyone who wants to learn more to join.”
This is a great organization for anyone interested in helping themselves know more about social media and what it can do for them.  If you want to know more about the organization and how to join you can find them at or on Facebook.

Michelle Larkin-PR director

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

press release 1-draft

For Immediate Release:
Date:                     September 14, 2010
Contact:               President Preston Parker
                Social Media club of Cache Valley (SMCCV)
Address:              851 N. Main St., Logan UT 84321
Phone:                                 661-772-7537


Logan, UT-Cache Valley welcomes the Social Media Club of Cache Valley.  The SMCCV is a nonprofit organization that helps people learn more about social media.  All types of media such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc. are discussed and are taught how to use them.
Other things on the agenda are cell phone etiquette, presentation with Q & A, people getting together and talking about social media.  They have meetings the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30.  Every third Tuesday of the month they have their meetings at Café Sabor where lovers of social media and those just wanting to know more can come eat and discuss social media.
The president of the SMCCV Preston Parker said “The Social Media Club is a great organization that helps people to know more about social media, which should be a big part of our everyday lives.  I encourage anyone who wants to learn more to join.”
This is a great organization for anyone interested in helping themselves know more about social media and what it can do for them.  If you want to know more about the organization and how to join you can find them at or on Facebook.

Friday, September 10, 2010

online journalism readings#2-Resume tips

What I learned from the reading this week were a lot of stuff about writing a resume.  The first one talked about six steps in writing a resume, which helped me a lot.  I learned a lot of stuff I didn't know about before and reminded me about things I already knew.  The next one was especially helpful because it talked about  how to avoid common resume mistakes.  There was a lot of things in that one that I didn't know and definitely need to work on next time I write one or fix a previous one.  The last one talked about resume inspiration and cover letter writing tips.  This was also a very helpful site to read because sometimes you just don't know where to start and need inspiration and the tips on the cover letter were really helpful too! Overall I learned a lot from the readings this week and thought they will all be very useful!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Case Study #1-united breaks guitars

After watching Dave Carroll’s video “United Breaks Guitars” on YouTube, I find the whole situation pretty funny. It blows my mind that an airline as big as United would do such a stupid thing, as to first throw people’s valuable stuff around, and second to basically deny that they did anything wrong.

I think what Dave Carroll did was absolutely right. He knew that something wrong had been done and that it needed to be taken care of. He soon realized that after talking to United and going nowhere with them on trying to have them just pay for his broken guitar, that he had to take matters in to his own hands. I feel that by him making a song and music video about what happened showed that just because you’re a big company doesn’t mean you can take advantage of anybody and not takes the blame for something they’ve done wrong. It showed that no matter how big you think you are, if you don’t take care of the problem, and make things right again it will turn in to something much bigger and do more damage than if you just admit to what you’ve done wrong. I thought by him doing the song and video and putting it on to YouTube was a very good way of getting his story out there and fast. It put a humorous spin on what happened and things like that catch people’s attention and that’s exactly what he wanted to happen. He wanted people to know what United did and put them in a bad light and it worked.

I also thought that it was a very good move for him to issue a statement about what happened and to thank everyone for their support. It helped more people sympathize with him on the issue and made him look better.

As for United I think what they did was very wrong. I’m appalled to know that they would even do something like that and to then not even compensate him for his guitar that he, along with others, saw them break. It was very stupid of them to deny what happened and to put off, what they should have done right away and just paid him for his broken guitar. It got them in to a lot more trouble and cost them a lot more by denying it than it would have been to have paid him. Now because of this whole mess they got themselves in to, they’ve spent a lot more money and now have a bad reputation. I know that after seeing and hearing about this story I certainly wouldn’t want to fly with United.

Like Dave said it was a little too late for them to finally be trying to pay him off. The damage had already been done. If they had just come out and openly talked about what happened, or explained why this even occurred, apologized, and bought a new guitar for Dave they wouldn’t be in this big of a mess and people would have forgotten about it by now. Since he has written not only one, but three songs now it’s going to be hard for people to forget about what happened and for United to earn their customers trust back as a good, honest airline to fly on.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Letter to Cousin

Dear Megan,

How are you doing? So I heard that you don't really know anything about what Public Relations is nor what Public Relations professionals write about and that you would like to know more, well I would be happy to share with you what I do know! Public Relations is, as a definition, a management function that helps define an organizational philosophy and direction by maintaining communication within a firm and with outside forces and by monitoring and helping a firm adapt to significant public opinion. I think that sums up pretty good what exactly Public Relations is. As for what we write about it can be many things. We tailor messages for particular media and publics. It also involves various forms of advertise writing, we write stories, and prepare messages for any medium that can convey information. That is just a brief description of what PR is and a little bit about it, I hope that this helped you to understand better what it is and what PR professionals do. If you would like any further information regarding the subject please let me know!


Michelle Larkin

Friday, September 3, 2010

jcom 2160 reading one

What I learned about from my first readings were quite a few things.  The first one was about the rules and etiquette or netiquette for being online.  Such things as respecting other people's privacy and knowing where your are in cyberspace.  I thought it was pretty interesting and actually really good rules to follow.  The next one was two funny cartoons saying how nobody knows your a dog on the internet! I liked it and thought it was pretty funny!  The third one was about conversational terrorism, and exposing techniques so that we won't use them and about conversation cheap shots on how not to talk.  To be honest I was a little confused at first when I read this but it made sense later on and I thought it was interesting to read! The last one was just about email etiquette, how to compose email, what information should be sent through email, that sort of thing.  It was good to read also and to learn more about better using email.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Time Blogger!

So this is all new to me, this whole blogging thing! I hope I get the hang of it and that i'm not too boring!