Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Final Proposal Paper

Effect International
281 East 200 South
Logan, Utah 84321

Dec. 7, 2010

Val J. Christensen, CEO and President
423 West 300 South Suite 200
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
Phone: 801-649-2000

Dear Val J. Christensen ,

Executive Summary
Effect International works to bring literacy to Nepal and India. Through the building of schools and libraries and donation of books, Effect International is making a difference. They don’t give money to individuals to help create better lives, they teach valuable skills and let them learn how to create these lives for themselves. Reading is a necessary skill in life and EI wants to give everyone that opportunity. They are asking EnergySolutions to donate $5,000 to help operate one of their schools and in return EnergySolutions will be named as a sponsor in correlation with Effect promotion and marketing. The disposal of nuclear material is a very controversial topic in Utah and has caused negative publicity and public opinion of EnergySolutions in the past couple of years. EnergySolutions has made recent changes in management and is heading in a  new direction. Becoming more involved with charity work and sponsoring a school in India could be the image boost that EnergySolutions needs.

Sponsor Appeal
EnergySolutions is proud of its philanthropic history.Effect International is approaching EnergySolutions because they believe that it can make a donation that will have a great impact on the people of India and Nepal and help boost its image.
In 2008, EnergySolutions tried to get a license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to import approximately 20,000 tons from nuclear facilities in Italy. The NRC opened a forum for public comments and over 2,500 comments opposing Energy Solutions and its proposal were expressed. (U.S. NRC, 2008).

There are many negative representations of EnergySolutions, one example states:
“Think about it... is it not Government's 1st (#1, Numero Uno) (and foremost) responsibility -- to "protect and preserve" ("support & defend") the Populace -- along with the Constitution?!! Where are your priorities?; -- and who comes first -- a filty-lucre-minded money-laundering (and it does need "laundering") -scheme hatched by "brilliant (bent-on-destruction) businessmen"'; or else, the "innocent, unsuspecting-public!"?”  Reed Jacobs, Salt Lake City. (Web Based Adams)

In July 2010, EnergySolutions announced it was “abandoning its plans to dispose of nuclear waste from Italy in Utah's west desert and instead will try to help open a disposal facility in that country.” (Vergakis, 2010). There are many people in Utah that are opposed to everything EnergySolutions stands for so along with recent management changes, and refinancing of debt and the suspension of dividends, adding in a new charity could be exactly what investors and the public want to see (Oberbeck, 2010).
According to its website, “EnergySolutions supports educational institutions and nonprofits when the primary focus of the request to promote academic achievement in the areas of environment, science & technology, or health and human services.” (Contributions)
Obviously Effect International’s mission to educate Indian and Nepalis children promotes academic achievement and is a human service.The students at EI’s schools are learning independence and will create a ripple effect in the desire to educate their own children. Being tied to this educational movement would be a great angle for Energy Solutions to work from. It is a brand new cause for Energy Solutions which highlights diversity and care for humanity. The charity is also based in Logan, UT which is out of the Salt Lake region. It is still close to home but is far enough away to be considered a new venture.
In this exchange, Effect International will be giving EnergySolutions a chance for a new and improved image. Public opinion is crucial for any organization and EnergySolutions would thrive off the benefits associated with working with a charity.

    Regarding Poverty:
Poverty is widespread in India with 42% of total population (456 million) living below the global poverty line of $1.25 a day. The stark inequalities in the distribution of money can be attributed to different social groups, economic groups and geographic regions.
Poverty alleviation programs and reforms by the Indian government are often rendered useless by the prevalent corruption by bureaucrats and politicians at various levels. 
Regarding Education:
Around 40% of the total population in India is illiterate and only 15% of the students are able to reach high school. The government statistics in 2001 estimated the total number of "absolute non-literates" to be around 304 million. The national literacy rate is 68.84% with the average female literacy rate estimated as 53.63% and average male literacy estimated as 75.26%.
The state of Kerala has the highest literacy rates of 90.02% while Bihar has the lowest literacy rate of 47.53% with the average female literacy rate being only 33.97%.
About half of India’s men and women do not know how to read or write.

Effect International’s approach to illiteracy in Nepal and India is striving to raise awareness and increase funds to support the cause. Effect International (EI) wants people to know just crucial a problem illiteracy really is and what they can do to help. EI  will approach this growing problem of illiteracy by holding fundraising events, updating a blog, and a promoting a homepage to inform people about Effect International and encourage them to support and volunteer.
The objectives in meeting the approach are to:
-raise awareness
-increase  funds
-encourage involvement
-recruit volunteers
EI is confident that with all of their efforts along with donations and volunteer work they will be able to meet their goals in raising funds and awareness. EI plans on using the money donated towards building schools, buying supplies for those schools,  and paying teachers; all to help those in Nepal and India become more literate.

Effect International began working in 2009, in a small village called Sasaram in the state of of Bihar. They started operating our first school in April of 2010 to 115 students staffed by 6 teachers and a principle. They are currently working on a library program in Sasaram, several thousand books are being transported to stock empty library shelves.
Effect International is committed to the long-term educational needs of the communities they serve. Through their project model, communities will be empowered in their project. This ensures ownership. Effect provides initial project funding, training and help infant programs. They make sure that each project can be self-sufficient and not always dependent upon Effect International.
On the website, it said that donations usually range from $500 to $5,000. Effect International believes that literacy is so important and should be part of everyone’s life, no matter where they live or what their circumstances are. Because Effect International feels so strongly about their cause, they are asking for $5,000. A school can be built in India or Nepal for $25,000 . The entire operating cost for one of these schools is under $10,000 per year. (Donate)
As of the third quarter of this year, the goodwill donated by EnergySolutions was $483,434.(Oberbeck, 2010) That is a tremendous amount of money, but because that amount is already spent, another $5,000 seems like nothing. The satisfaction of spreading literacy around the world is a great reward.

    Supporting Effect International and sponsoring a school in India would be a tremendous opportunity for EnergySolutions to branch out in their donations and reach a new segment of Utah. A $5,000 donation is small compared to the summation of donations EnergySolutions contributes each year and the community would love to see them reach out. Effect International could benefit from a larger contribution and continual sponsorship and support. Effect would ask for more financial contribution if the $5,000 limit were not listed. Public image is a necessity for any company, especially EnergeySolutions at this time. Effect International can offer a boost to the negative publicity EnergySolutions has had in the past year.

                                                               Reference List
Contributions. Contribution Guidelines. Retrieved from
Donate. Effect International. Retrieved from
Oberbeck, Steven. (2010, Nov. 9). Utah’s EnergySolutions Looks Past Losses to Better         Q4. Salt Lake Tribune. Retrieved from
U.S. NRC. (2008, Oct.). Fact Sheet on EnergySolutions' Proposal to Import Low-Level         Radioactive Waste from Italy. Retrieved from
Vergakis, Brock. (2010, July 15). EnergySolutions nixes plan to import Italian nuclear waste. Daily Herald. Retrieved from

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Presentation Outline Draft

Outline for Presentation:

  • Start out with video (1 minute)
  • What is Effect International?  Natasha
  • Why do we need donations? Michelle
  • What will we do with the donations? Shana
  • How will donating benefit you? Natasha
  • How much are we asking for? Michelle
  • Conclusion: Shana

Monday, October 25, 2010

Final-Media Pitch

Dear Jason,
We want you to know that the CVAIA is a great organization that is there to help those in need become financially independent.  The goals of our association are to help people realize that anyone, no matter what situation they are in, can be able to manage their money in a way so that some day they will be able to work because they want to, not because they have to. 
The CVAIA is a great organization for people to come and learn in a casual environment where we meet twice a month, one of those times being at a restaurant such as Café Sabor or Hamilton’s.
If People learn the right mentality and approaches to investing, they can all be successful in what they desire.  People should be able to spend their time doing something they love, not just a job that provides an income.  Passive income largely makes this possible.  There are many organizations with the stated goal of helping people understand the relationship between assets, liabilities, income, expenses.  They practice the methods found in the ideologies of books including Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Wealthy Barber, The Millionaire Next Door, Atlas Shrugged, The Automatic Millionaire, and The Secret.
Cache Valley Area Investors Association (CVAIA) teaches people how to increase passive income.  CVAIA embraces the Law of Attraction, Law of Abundance, and Law of Exchange.  CVAIA began in August 2007 and now has members from many geographical locations and from all walks of life.  The members come together with the same belief: that education mitigates the risks of investing.
We would love to arrange any interviews if necessary or provide any other information that you would like from us. 
Michelle Larkin-PR consultant

Final press release #4-event story

For Immediate Release:
Date:                    Oct. 20, 2010
Contact:               John Badger, CEO Lee’s Marketplace
Address:              850 South Main Street
                            Smithfield, Utah
Phone:                 435-563-6251        

SMITHFIELD, Utah-Want to play games, win prizes, and learn great holiday recipes and ideas?  If so you should join us at our annual Lee’s holiday food show.
Every year for the last four years Lee’s Marketplace has held a holiday food show at all three stores in Smithfield, Logan, and Ogden.  The holiday food show consists of games, contests, prizes, samples throughout the store, recipes, and many ideas to help out during the holidays.
Pete Krusi, store director of the Smithfield Lee’s said, “We started this annual food show because we know how stressful the holiday’s can be and wanted to help people with food and other ideas to use during these busy times.  It’s been a great tradition so far and everyone seems to enjoy the games and contests, it’s a lot of fun.”
The food show is held every November, usually towards the beginning of the month.  This year it will be held on November 13th.  It’s been a great success so far and we hope to continue this tradition.  It is a great way to have some fun during the holidays, while getting some great ideas to help you through the crazy times the holidays can bring. We always have a big turnout and it is a great place to be if you are looking to get amazing deals while you are grocery shopping, holiday ideas, and possibly win some prizes while you are there.
If you have any questions, or would like further information on the food show happening at all Lee’s Marketplace locations, please contact us by phone, or at, or you can find us on Facebook.

Michelle Larkin-PR consultant                                        END

Friday, October 22, 2010

Assignment 5-picture two

 Before                        I resized the image, put text in it-statue and my name, i used the burn tool to make some of the water and bushes darker, i changed the lightness, hue and saturation to bring out more of the blue in the statue and the water.

Assignment 5-picture one

after before

To change this picture I resized it, made it a lot smaller, changed the image of it and changed the hue and saturation to make it black and white and made the picture more clear.

Assignment 4-ghost clover

can of pop picture

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Draft press release #4-event story

For Immediate Release:
Date:                    Oct. 20, 2010
Contact:               John Badger, CEO Lee’s Marketplace
Address:              850 South Main Street
                            Smithfield, Utah
Phone:                 435-563-6251        

Smithfield, Utah-Want to play games, win prizes, and learn great holiday recipes and ideas?  If so you should join us at our annual Lee’s holiday food show.
Every year for the last  years Lee’s Marketplace has held a holiday food show at all three stores in Smithfield, Logan, and Ogden.  The holiday food show consists of games, contests, prizes, samples throughout the store, recipes, and many ideas to help out during the holidays.
Pete Krusi, store director of the Smithfield Lee’s said, “We started this annual food show because we know how stressful the holiday’s can be and wanted to help people with food and other ideas to use during these busy times.  It’s been a great tradition so far and everyone seems to enjoy the games and contests, it’s a lot of fun.”
It’s every November, usually towards the beginning of the month.  This year it will be held on November 13th.  It’s been a great success so far and we hope to continue this tradition.  It’s a great way to have some fun during the holidays while getting some great ideas to help you through the crazy times the holidays can bring. We always have a great turnout and it is a great place to be if you need to get great deals while you are grocery shopping, great holiday ideas, and possibly win a prize while you are there.
If you have any questions, or would like further information on the food show happening at all Lee’s Marketplace locations, please contact us by phone, or at, or you can find us on Facebook.

Michelle Larkin-PR consultant                             END

Thursday, October 14, 2010

draft media pitch


Dear Jason,
We want you to know that the CVAIA is a great organization that is there to help those in need become financially independent.  The goals of our association are to help people realize that anyone, no matter what situation they are in, can be able to manage their money in a way so that some day they will be able to work because they want to, not because they have to. 
The CVAIA is a great organization for people to come and learn in a casual environment where we meet twice a month, one of those times being at a restaurant such as Café Sabor.
If People learn the right mentality and approaches to investing, they can all be successful in what they desire.  People should be able to spend their time doing something they love, not just a job that provides an income.  Passive income largely makes this possible.  There are many organizations with the stated goal of helping people understand the relationship between assets, liabilities, income, expenses.  They practice the methods found in the ideologies of books including Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Wealthy Barber, The Millionaire Next Door, Atlas Shrugged, The Automatic Millionaire, and The Secret.
Cache Valley Area Investors Association (CVAIA) teaches people how to increase passive income.  CVAIA embraces the Law of Attraction, Law of Abundance, and Law of Exchange.  CVAIA began in August 2007 and now has members from many geographical locations and from all walks of life.  The members come together with the same belief: that education mitigates the risks of investing.
We would love to arrange any interviews if necessary or provide any other information that you would like from us. 
Michelle Larkin-PR consultant

Friday, October 8, 2010

final press release#3-cause promotion

For Immediate Release:
Date:                Oct. 5, 2010
Contact:           Cache Valley Area Investors Association
                        President Preston Parker     
Phone:              435-564-2209              

LOGAN, Utah-The CVAIA is an organization that is promoting a cause and wants everyone to get involved.  The cause of CVAIA is to educate people so they can become financially independent.
This is a great organization that is there to help anyone, no matter what situation they are in, to realize that they can become financially independent and possibly, after about seven to ten years, never work another day in your life, and be able to work because you want to, not because you have to.
The organization, which started in 2007, has about 80 members, and they meet every first and third Thursday of every month.  The first Thursday of the month they meet at the Cache Chamber of Commerce, and the third Thursday they meet at a restaurant, usually Café Sabor, Hamilton’s, or Elements.  They teach that if you can get your expenses down and passive income, which is income that you are earning all the time, up on a monthly basis you can become financially independent.  They have speakers come or just sit around and talk; it is a very casual environment and there is no cost to join.
President Parker said, on why he started this organization, “I wanted to educate people, and was sick of people complaining about their jobs, so I started this organization to help them learn more about what they can do to become financially independent.” 
If People learn the right mentality and approaches to investing, they can all be successful in what they desire.  People should be able to spend their time doing something they love, not just a job that provides an income.  Passive income largely makes this possible.  There are many organizations with the stated goal of helping people understand the relationship between assets, liabilities, income, expenses.  They practice the methods found in the ideologies of books including Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Wealthy Barber, The Millionaire Next Door, Atlas Shrugged, The Automatic Millionaire, and The Secret.
Cache Valley Area Investors Association (CVAIA) teaches people how to increase passive income.  CVAIA embraces the Law of Attraction, Law of Abundance, and Law of Exchange.  CVAIA began in August 2007 and now has members from many geographical locations and from all walks of life.  The members come together with the same belief: that education mitigates the risks of investing.
The CVAIA is a great organization that anyone can come to learn how to become financially independent, learn from each other and take away great skills in helping them manage their money.  If you would like to become a member or just learn more about it, visit our website at
Michelle Larkin-PR consultant                   END